Neem Leaves: Health Benefits and Uses

The neem tree also known as Margosa, has been used to extract over 140 different compounds used in various medicines, skin and hair treatments. It has many uses, some of which are described in the video. Neem leaves can also be consumed to help cure the body internally, and has been described as a “miracle cure” in some circles. 

1. Neem leaves have many health benefits and medicinal properties and are therefore used to create creams, oils, pastes, powders and extracts. The leaf itself is also dried and used in herbal teas

2. Neem is a natural toner and moisturiser which is commonly used to treat skin disorders such acne, scars, blackheads and pigmentation. 

3. Neem Oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree is a natural flea treatment for animals, which also calms itchy skin.

4. The antibacterial properties of neem, allow it to be applied for a large variety of medical conditions. This can include treating a dry scalp, head lice, dandruff and hair loss. 

5. Water can be infused with Neem extract and used as a skin and muscle relaxant due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This can be achieved by soaking aching muscles, feet, scalp and other body parts.

6. Shampooing the hair with neem paste, can help tame frizzy hair.

7. The leaf is not the only part of the tree that is used. In fact over 140 compounds have been isolated from the different parts of the neem tree, for use in all kinds of treatments and products.

8. Burns may heal faster when applied with water infused with neem. This also disinfects the skin, protecting it from infection. 

9. Neem Bark continues to be used to treat conditions such as Chicken Pox and Malaria. 

10. Neem is not only antibacterial, but it is also anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-mutagen. It is therefore a powerful cure for many illnesses such as intestinal worms, eye disorders, leprosy, diabetes, gum disease and liver problems. 

11. Neem has been scientifically shown to neutralize the effects of cancer causing substances, i.e. an anti-carcinogenic

12. When consumed, neem also has the ability to prevent and help heal stomach ulcers.

13. Neem creams can also be applied to the skin as an insect repellent.

14. Neem leaves can be boiled and eaten as part of a healthy balanced diet. They are often used a side in tasty seafood dishes such as shrimp.

Finally I would like to thank you for reading this article and I wish you great health, wealth and happiness. 


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